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Mrs. Samia Hamati

Civil Engineer

Design & consultancies Manager

Mrs. Samia Hamati

As MMEC’s Design and Consultancies Manager, Eng. Hazzi is a Senior Civil Engineer, she has a Master degree in Road Construction and Maintenance from Ecole Nationale des travaux publics de l’Etat (Lyon, France), and a Bachelor degree in civil engineering from University of Damascus (Damascus, Syria),

She worked at Laboratoire Regional do Lyon were two of her researches officially published by the undersigned and duly recognized concerning roads and problems of tyres and asphalt affecting users. she was the Project Manager of Profiles RH construction LLC at KM Trading Group in Dubai, UAE, she consulted many projects in Syria (Ghraoui Chocolate Industry, Habib Beitenjaneh Group, Biomed Pharma, Khabab Church, Abu-Rummaneh Church, Dummar Church, Dummar Residential Complex, Embassies, Ministry of Higher Education, and in Greece (TEKTEL Greek/American Company for projects execution in Saudi Arabia).

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